Hawaiian Garden Spider attacks ship

Original spider photo taken by myself.
Giant Hawaiian Garden Spider attacks ship.  Captain wants to know what pest control will do about it.
We were fortunate enough to go on a cruise from Vancouver, BC to Auckland, New Zealand this fall.  It was a glorious adventure; a 38 day cruise with 20 ports of call.  One of those was in Kona on the big island of Hawaii.
While there we walked around the harbor and discovered numerous things, a cool lizard for one and an amazing garden spider.  It was very big - with a body at least an inch long - and an enormous web made out of filaments like guitar strings.  The spider itself was in the middle, waiting for a delicious morsel to come calling.  Unfortunately, the spider was on the other side of the web, and was not accessible because of the dense bush behind it.  I could, however, manage a photo from the side.
As I wrangled myself into position, attempting not to disturb the beast that was patiently waiting for mealtime,  it in fact ensnared a victim and busily began the business of wrapping it up.  I zoomed in with my camera and got a couple of pretty good shots off.  The top image was the best result.  
The rest of the outing was uneventful and we returned to the ship via tender.  That's when I took the second picture, with another tender departing.  Later, when I looked at the images on my computer in our cabin, did it make sense to joint the two together.
I carefully removed all the details from the spider image that did not belong using Photoshop.  I copied it onto the ship image and then altered the angle to make it appear that it was in the process of boarding.  I had to resize it to make it all work.  Then for the piece de restistance, I copied the front off the oncoming tender and placed it in the spider's prisoner.  Voila - instant horror scene.
I entered the shot in an on-board photo contest.  It didn't win, but it turned some heads.  And really, that is what I wanted.  It made some laugh and some cringe, but most of all it made people notice.  Isn't that what a good photo is supposed to do?


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